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Eloisa Herrera Laboratory
Generation and Regeneration of Bilateral Neural Circuits


24 oct 2016
Our group in the 11th SEBD Meeting
Some members of our group, including Dr. Eloísa Herrera, Dr. Verónica Murcia and PhD student Rocío González (in the pic), have just...

19 sept 2016
Dr. Herrera in Axon Meeting 2016
Dr. Eloísa Herrera, our group leader, will participate in the 10th meeting on Axon Guidance, Synapse Formation and Regeneration to be...

16 sept 2016
Juan de la Cierva Training Grant for Dr. Fernández
Our postdoc junior Dr. Marta Fernández-Nogales has been recently awarded with a Spanish Competitive Grant from the 2015 call of the...

14 sept 2016
Postdoctoral Recruitment Training Grant for Dr. Murcia
Dr. Murcia- Belmonte, postdoctoral researcher from our lab, has just been awarded with a grant for Postdoctoral Recruitment Training...

1 sept 2016
Prometeo 2016 for Excellence Research Groups
We have just been granted with PROMETEO Grant 2016 for Excellence Research Groups from the Generalitat Valenciana in collaboration with...

17 may 2016
New paper in Cerebral Cortex
We have just published a new paper in collaboration with Dr. Alfonso Fairén's lab in the journal Cerebral Cortex (2014 Impact Factor...

3 mar 2016
1st ChroMISyn Meeting in Alicante
We have just held a meeting with our partners in the International joint programming action 2015 from the National Programme for Research...

1 mar 2016
New PhD Thesis defense
Today, our lab member Nuria Ruiz Reig has defended her PhD thesis entitled "Characterization and fate mapping of the thalamic eminence...

24 feb 2016
2nd Annual Retreat in Benidorm
We have recently enjoyed once again a trip to the city of Benidorm in Alicante to discuss our results, in a very informal manner, with...

23 dic 2015
New paper in collaboration with Prof. Barco's lab
We have just published a new paper in collaboration with Dr. Angel Barco's lab in the journal Scientific Reports (2014 Impact Factor...
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