Dr. Herrera in Axon Meeting 2016
Dr. Eloísa Herrera, our group leader, will participate in the 10th meeting on Axon Guidance, Synapse Formation and Regeneration to be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York (USA).
The meeting will begin on the evening of Tuesday September 20 and will conclude on Saturday, September 24, 2016.
The specific goals of this conference are to bring together a diverse group of scientists studying various molecular, cellular and genetic aspects of cell migration, axon guidance, synaptogenesis, and developmental plasticity of neural connectivity.

Dr. Herrera will be chair of the following topic:
Axon to Synapse III Eloisa Herrera, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain Iris Salecker, The Francis Crick Institute, UK
More info here.