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Eloisa Herrera Laboratory
Generation and Regeneration of Bilateral Neural Circuits


30 nov 2015
Symposium with Prof. Barco's group
Some members of our lab have recently enjoyed a short trip to El Campello, in Alicante, to discuss our results with the group...

29 oct 2015
Commemorative Symposium of the Caro Almela Chair
The Remedios Caro Almela Chair of Developmental Neurobiology, was created in the year 2000 as a result of a philanthropic initiative by...

1 oct 2015
International joint programming action 2015
We have just been granted with an International joint programming action 2015 from the National Programme for Research Aimed at the...

25 sept 2015
Federico Olóriz Neuroscience Institute Young Investigator Award
Our former lab member Augusto Escalante has just collected the Federico Olóriz Neuroscience Institute Young Investigator Award during the...

23 sept 2015
Young Investigator Award 2014 CIBERNED
On the same day of the World Alzheimer's Day, SM Queen Sofia inaugurated on September 21st, accompanied by the Mayor of Málaga and the...

20 ago 2015
New paper in The Journal of Neuroscience
Our paper "Zic2 Controls the Migration of Specific Neuronal Populations in the Developing Forebrain" has just been published in The...

2 jul 2015
Dr. Murcia obtained a R&D Project Grant
Our proposal "Traducción local de mRNAs en los conos de crecimiento neuronales: implicaciones en la formación del sistema nervioso" lead...

27 abr 2015
Alberto Sols Prize for the Best Paper in 2014
We have been awarded Alberto Sols Prize for the Best Paper in 2014, sponsored by Hon. Sax City Council , in collaboration with the...

30 mar 2015
Research Award in Basic Neuroscience
Augusto Escalante, former member of our lab, has been awarded by the Institute of Neuroscience Federico Olóriz (Universidad de Granada)...

16 feb 2015
Retreat in Benidorm
We have recently enjoyed a short trip to the beautiful city of Benidorm in Alicante to discuss our results, in a very informal manner,...
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