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Eloisa Herrera Laboratory
Generation and Regeneration of Bilateral Neural Circuits


18 jul 2021
CaixaResearch Health Call 2021
We have just been granted with a CaixaResearch Health Grant 2021 from the prestigious La Caixa Foundation. Lesions of the central nervous...

8 ago 2018
Dr. Escalante granted with a Junior Leader fellowship
Dr. Augusto Escalante has been recently awarded with a postdoctoral fellowship to conduct a research project at our Institute, accredited...

8 may 2017
2nd ChroMISyn Meeting in Milan
We have just participated in the second annual meeting with our partners in the International joint programming action 2015 from the...

3 mar 2016
1st ChroMISyn Meeting in Alicante
We have just held a meeting with our partners in the International joint programming action 2015 from the National Programme for Research...

1 oct 2015
International joint programming action 2015
We have just been granted with an International joint programming action 2015 from the National Programme for Research Aimed at the...

2 jul 2015
Dr. Murcia obtained a R&D Project Grant
Our proposal "Traducción local de mRNAs en los conos de crecimiento neuronales: implicaciones en la formación del sistema nervioso" lead...

20 oct 2014
We obtained a Grant from the Fundació La Marató de TV3
Our proposal "Identificació de fonts fiables de les cèlules mare de la retina per a la teràpia de reemplaçament cellular en malalties de...
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