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New paper in The Journal of Neuroscience

Our paper "Zic2 Controls the Migration of Specific Neuronal Populations in the Developing Forebrain" has just been published in The Journal of Neuroscience (2015 Impact Factor 6,344)

The article explains that human mutations in ZIC2 have been identified in patients with holoprosencephaly and schizophrenia. Similarly, Zic2 mutant mice exhibit holoprosencephaly in homozygosis and behavioral and morphological schizophrenic phenotypes associated with forebrain defects in heterozygosis. Despite the devastating effects of mutations in Zic2, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that provoke Zic2-deficiency phenotypes are yet unclear. Here, we report a novel role for this transcription factor in the migration of three different types of forebrain neurons: the Cajal–Retzius cells that populate the surface of the telencephalic vesicles, an amygdaloid group of cells originated in the caudal pole of the telencephalic pallium, and a cell population that travels from the prethalamic neuroepithelium to the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. Our results also suggest that the receptor EphB1, previously identified as a Zic2 target, may mediate, at least partially, Zic2-dependent migratory events. According to these results, we propose that deficiencies in cell motility and guidance contribute to most of the forebrain pathologies associated with Zic2 mutations.

In the pic Blanca Murillo, fist author of the paper, and Dr. Eloísa Herrera

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