Symposium with Prof. Barco's group
Some members of our lab have recently enjoyed a short trip to El Campello, in Alicante, to discuss our results with the group Transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms of neuronal plasticity lead by Prof. Ángel Barco Guerrero from the Instituto de Neurociencias within the scientific symposium entitled "Transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders".
Our talks:
Epigenetic mechanisms of bilateral wiring – Marta Fernandez-Nogales
Local translation in axon guidance – Verónica Murcia
CBP and lysine acetylation levels in the formation of the visual circuit – Rocío González

In the pic: Dr. Verónica Murcia, Dr. Marta Fernández and Rocío González, speakers from our lab in the Symposium organized by Prof. Barco.