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Dr. Herrera & Dr. Morenilla in AXON 2017

Dr. Eloísa Herrera, our group leader, and Dr. Cruz Morenilla, has just participated in the 2017 AXON Conference held at IST Austria, in Vienna.

The AXON2017 conference was specifically designed to attract and engage the best researchers in the field. World renowned leaders in the field of developmental and circuit neuroscience have spoken, and a number of top young researchers (PhD students, postdocs and junior group leaders) have been also selected from the pool of submitted abstracts to give a short talk and present their posters during formal poster sessions.

Dr. Cruz Morenilla has presented her work with a talk entitled "Zic2 induces axon steering at the midline by increasing the levels of ß-catenin independently of the canonical Wnt signaling".

More info in the conference website.

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