AXON 219: Circuits Development and Regeneration
The 3rd AXON Meeting will be held from September 11-13, 2019 at the Hotel Melia in Alicante, Spain.
Dr. Eloísa Herrera is part of the Local Organization Committee of this 2019 conference, 3rd edition of an initiative that aims to organize an European counterpart forum to the American CSHL and GRC meeting series in the area of Neural Circuit Assembly.
The idea behind these meetings is to create an interactive platform for the exchange of ideas and newest technologies to stimulate the conception of collaborative projects aiming at a better understanding of the fundamental principles of neural circuit assembly.
The meeting will include talks from world renowned leaders in the field of developmental and circuit neuroscience as well as short talks given by a number of top young researchers (PhD students, postdocs and junior group leaders) that will be selected from the pool of submitted abstracts.

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